PANAJI: Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar informed the state legislative assembly, through a written reply on Tuesday that many-a-properties of Goans are being sold without the knowledge of the owners.
Parsekar, who also holds the Home portfolio, replying to a question from St Cruz MLA Atanasio Monserrate said that ten such cases were registered during the year 2013, 11 cases during the year 2014, another 6 cases during the year 2015, and 5 cases during the ongoing year till June 30.
The written information stated that most of these cases are under investigation. It also informed that majority of the cases, numbering 10 were from Bardez taluka, followed by 7 cases from Tiswadi taluka. Furthermore, 3 such cases were from Porvorim, Pernem, Bicholim and Margao, each, while one each from Quepem, Ponda and Vasco.
One of the complaints was made by a lady complainant from Mumbai stating that her property in Sucorro, Bardez was sold by way of forged power of attorney by impersonating her late husband.
The Chief Minister also informed, through another written reply that the government intends to develop a School of Strategic and Security Studies, and the proposal is under examination with the home department.
NT Network Goa News
Parsekar, who also holds the Home portfolio, replying to a question from St Cruz MLA Atanasio Monserrate said that ten such cases were registered during the year 2013, 11 cases during the year 2014, another 6 cases during the year 2015, and 5 cases during the ongoing year till June 30.
The written information stated that most of these cases are under investigation. It also informed that majority of the cases, numbering 10 were from Bardez taluka, followed by 7 cases from Tiswadi taluka. Furthermore, 3 such cases were from Porvorim, Pernem, Bicholim and Margao, each, while one each from Quepem, Ponda and Vasco.
One of the complaints was made by a lady complainant from Mumbai stating that her property in Sucorro, Bardez was sold by way of forged power of attorney by impersonating her late husband.
The Chief Minister also informed, through another written reply that the government intends to develop a School of Strategic and Security Studies, and the proposal is under examination with the home department.
NT Network Goa News
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